Advantage film – true wide angles. Real life use of the Hasselblad 903SWC & the 21mm Zeiss f/4.5 Biogon for Leica M film cameras

makapuu with heavy waves and wind

Makapu'u lookout, ca. 5:15 p.m., 1/6/13. Hassy 903SWC, handheld 1/30s, f/4.5, Ektar 100, Longs Drugs Mo'ili'ili develop, Nikon 9000ed scan.

Makapu’u lookout, ca. 5:15 p.m., 1/6/13. Hassy 903SWC, handheld 1/30s, f/4.5, Ektar 100, Longs Drugs Mo’ili’ili develop, Nikon 9000ed scan.

Surf and wind were up. It’s been nice immersing into nature. This was a fleeting moment. The sun had been directly striking Rabbit Island, then it stopped – I guess due to it setting below the mountain range or a cloud partly obsuring it – then a set came in. I shot it at that moment. The photo feels like an afterthought. It was more fun taking it. I left the parking lot with a puff ball for hair.

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